Dr. Steve Montgomery, the Senior Pastor, will officiate. Carey grew up in this church and cannot imagine the ceremony taking place anywhere else.
Animals of the Memphis Zoo
The Lions: Thabo, Akeelah and Jamela
The Grizzlies: Hydee, Peak, Cochise, Else and Yukon
The Polar Bears: Haley and Payton
The Black Bears: River, Spring and Fire
The Panda Bears: Le Le and Ya Ya

Matron of Honor
Maria and Carey have been very close ever since they were Columbia University undergrads together. They lived on the same dorm floor during their freshman year and both majored in art history. Carey’s fond memories of their times together include a game they invented that involved attempting to predict what color shirt a certain art history professor would wear for each class (he alternated between black, purple, and maroon) and yummy dinners after work at Cafe Reggio. Carey feels fortunate to have had such a caring and loyal friend to support her through all the ups and downs of life.
Christine and Carey became fast friends after meeting at Columbia during their freshman year. They become even closer during their sophomore year when they shared a very small room with bunk beds together! Carey loves spending time with Christine and can never get enough of her warmth, enthusiasm, sense of humor, and obsessive attention to detail (Virgos rule!).
Tamara and Carey met many years ago while attending White Station Middle School in Memphis, and Carey is grateful to Tamara for being a devoted friend through all her awkward teenage years and after high school when Carey left Memphis and lived in NYC and London. Tamara recently told Carey she was a “ride or die” friend, and Carey feels exactly the same way about Tamara. Carey loves Tamara’s honesty, thoughtfulness, and reliability. (Like Christine, she is a Virgo!)
Katerina and Carey took the same MA course at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, and both stayed at the Courtauld to complete PhDs in the History of Art. Katerina is a magical human being – Carey thinks she must have mermaid and fairy ancestors. Katerina is kind, thoughtful, intelligent, and always has Carey’s back. Carey thinks of Katerina as a little sister and would do anything for her.
Best Man
Eoin is James’s big brother. He loves all sports and is hoping James and Carey settle in a city with a good sports team to watch live when he visits them.
Rudi was James’s cheerful neighbour at Goodenough College in London. They regularly enjoyed chatting into the night over tea and occasionally played chess against each other. James has yet to win. Rudi finishes emails with his favourite acronym DCTMT – Don’t cause too much trouble.
Will is Carey’s brother. James has enjoyed getting to know Will and looks forward to becoming brothers-in-law. James is impressed that Will won the Gibbons family annual Thanksgiving basketball game this year, beating both Carey and James who were unfortunately knocked out after the first round.
Luci and Lorelai
Junior Bridesmaid and Flower Girl
Luci will be Carey’s junior bridesmaid, and Lorelai will be a flower girl in the wedding. They are both the daughters of Carey’s cousin Kate Holland. Carey has loved getting to know the girls and playing with the Songify and CatPaint iPhone apps with them. She knows they are going to look like beautiful princesses at the wedding!
Flower Girl
Lucia is Maria’s daughter. Carey has loved watching Maria be the mom to such an adorable, curious, charming little girl and thinks of Lucia as a niece. Carey can’t wait for both Maria and Lucia to be in the wedding!